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affinity, endeavor, intricate, discord

affinity 친밀감, 관련성 [SYNONYM rapport]

1. strong feeling that you understand somebody/something and like them or it

    Humans have a special affinity for dolphins.

2. a close relationship between two people or things that have similar qualities, structures or features

    There is a close affinity between Italian and Spanish.



endeavour  노력, 시도, 애씀 /ɪnˈdevə(r)/

an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult

    There have been great advances in the field of scientific endeavour.

    (endeavour to do something) Please make every endeavour to arrive on time.

    (in an endeavour to do something)

    The public bombarded the company with complaints in an endeavour to have the price increases revoked.


intricate 복잡한 /ˈɪntrɪkət/

having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together

very detailed, complex, or complicated; involving many interconnected parts

    intricate patterns

    an intricate network of loyalties and relationships



discord 불화, 다툼, 불협화음

disagreement; arguing
    A note of discord surfaced during the proceedings.

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