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paralysis, hazardous, magnate

paralysis   /pəˈræləsɪs/  마비

a loss of control of, and sometimes feeling in, part or most of the body, caused by disease or an injury to the nerves

paralysis of both legs

the condition of being unable to move, act, function, etc.

The strike caused total paralysis in the city.
The crisis over the constitution may lead to political paralysis.


hazardous   /ˈhæzədəs/   위험한

involving risk or danger, especially to somebody’s health or safety

hazardous waste/materials/substances/chemicals
They endured a hazardous journey through thickening fog.


magnate  /ˈmæɡneɪt/   거물

a person who is rich, powerful and successful, especially in business
a media/property/shipping magnate
The company was owned by shipping magnate Fred Olsen.

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